EMSB Needs More Phys Ed Time

Children playing the parachute game as part of their physical education time. It is actually helping them in so many aspects. – Source

Are you a parent whose child is attending an English Montreal School Board school?

If you are, listen up:

When I was in elementary school at Dante School, we were given 2 hours of phys-ed time a week, which is definitely not enough. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend that children and adolescents do 60 minutes or more of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity daily.

Counter-productively, Canadian schools have decided to decrease physical education time to allow more instructional time for core curricular subjects. However, according to the Canadian Education Association, quality phys-ed actually benefits students in other areas by helping them understand how exercise is essential to develop a healthy lifestyle, allowing them to learn positive team skills including cooperation, leadership, cohesion and responsibility, and it is associated with improved mental health.

This lack of activity is a serious problem because according to the Child Obesity Foundation, in the last 30 years, obesity rates in children have doubled from 6% to 12% in Canada. They say that if current trends continue, by 2040, up to 70% of adults aged 40 years will either be overweight or obese.

Schools need to stop considering physical education as a fun distraction from academic work. What is needed is a recognition that physical activity and non-desk time are actually essential to learning. An extra five minutes of movement might just buy a child 20 minutes of concentration. Isn’t this what schools want?

Help us get the EMSB to add a mandatory 60 minutes of physical education a day into their curriculum in order to boost the mental and physical health of our youth, and help them create a healthy habit for the rest of their lives. Schools should include multiple different types of phys-ed – such as yoga, dance, aerobics, etc. – to allow children to try different forms of activity to find something that they like and can stick with in the long run.

Sign this petition to get EMSB elementary schools to increase their mandatory physical education time.

Sign this petition to help our next generation.

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