Lori Loughlin Locked Up

Written by: RACHEL COOPER 
Published October 31, 2019

Full House actress, Lori Loughlin, and her money-making husband, Mossimo Giannulli, are finally locked up as they should be.

After many months since the college admissions scandal was brought to our attention, Loughlin has finally pleaded guilty. Loughlin and Giannulli were found guilty of paying half a million dollars for getting each of their two daughters into USC. They did so by directly bribing the university officials to get them admitted as recruited athletes on the crew team even though they had never even played the sport.

Felicity Huffman, another one of the parents caught up in the scandal, has just served her 2 week prison time after rightfully having pleaded guilty back in April. Questionable Loughlin, who originally pleaded not guilty, is now be serving a much worse prison sentence of 40 years behind bars after pleading guilty this week. She definitely now wishes she had pleaded guilty to begin with.

justice is served.

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