Did Lori Loughlin Get Locked Up?

The largest college admissions scheme was made public in March 2019, whereby 35 parents were accused of using their wealth to bribe their children’s way into prestigious schools. Many articles have been written about the allegations. However, some aren’t completely truthful, such as Cooper’s article, “Lori Loughlin Locked Up.”

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Lori Loughlin appearing in court. Reporters are chasing her to find out what really happened. – Source

Loughlin’s Accusations:

Full House actress, Lori Loughlin, and her fashion designer husband, Mossimo Giannulli, are indeed two of the parents who are being accused. Although Cooper claims that the couple paid $500,000 to the university for each of their daughters, this is not the case. According to CNN, Loughlin and Giannulli are on trial for paying $500,000 in total to get both of their daughters, Isabella and Olivia Jade, into the University of Southern California. As explained by Global News, the couple paid admissions consultant William Singer to falsely portray their children as star athletes and then bribed college sports officials to get them admitted as recruited athletes on the crew team. Prosecutors actually say they have never rowed competitively.

When it was first time to apply for their eldest daughter, Isabella, they presented her to the university as a recruited coxswain, accompanied by a picture Giannulli took of her on a rowing machine. Later that day, she was accepted to USC, and the couple then wired $200,000 to Singer’s fake charity as payment for helping them out. Due to the success in their plan, the couple then pulled the same scheme with their second daughter, Olivia Jade.

Trial & Sentence:

The trial was in April 2019, where a majority of the parents pleaded guilty and some were sentenced to prison. As Cooper correctly stated, “Felicity Huffman, another one of the parents caught up in the scandal, has just served her 2 week prison time,” after having originally pleaded guilty right from the start. Due to her pleading, showing that she understood that what she did was wrong, she got a very minimal sentence. Furthermore, she was actually let out of prison 2 days early.

However, the situation is not the same for Loughlin who decided to plead not guilty to two conspiracy charges. Upon doing so, as stated by Levenson at CNN, the couple was then faced with additional charges of fraud, conspiracy, and money laundering.

Due to all of the extra charges that the couple is now being faced with, they are expecting a much worse sentence and could be looking at up to 40 years in prison. According to the Department of Justice, “The charge of conspiracy to commit […] fraud provides for a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison.” In addition to this, as also stated by the Department of Justice, “The charge of conspiracy to commit money laundering provides for a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison,” totaling up to a possibility of 40 years behind bars. Although the number is correct in Cooper’s article, it is NOT the case that she is actually locked up. Despite the increase in charges, Loughlin continues to plead not guilty. 

Photo from Cooper’s article (left) beside the original photo (right), which clearly shows that it was not Loughlin in the jumpsuit.

The photo of Loughlin in a jumpsuit released in Cooper’s article is, in fact, fake. It is evident in the photos above that the original photo (right) is of Felicity Huffman. Loughlin has not been pictured in a jumpsuit as there is still no certainty of her serving prison time just yet.

Stay tuned for further information regarding her sentence.

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